Teddy Boy Kill

From underground clubs to hideous high-class discos to exotic islands to dungeons of techno to international festivals, Teddy Boy Kill traversed four intense years touring, with two albums, numerous remixes and a dozen plus videos. Branded by the press as "one of the most brash and autodidactic sparks of Indian electronica" F**K ! they vaporised early 2015. Last message seen out there "now, we dwell in your mind-stream. You have Techno-Anarchy Forever "

" Teddy Boy Kill has forced itself to develop an edgy, moody
and distinctly solid sound. An electronic-based
rock/techno/electro band from New Delhi, Teddy Boy Kill
make a mark with their raucous live shows and high-energy
music that draws comparisons to !!!, LCD Soundsystem,
Justice, Walls and even Massive Attack at times. Yup, I said it.
- Wild City
" Their suspenseful crescendos and dominatrix dynamics
prompt frenetic body movements. Toymob’s sing-song beat
poetry brings back sultry memories of a rst lover’s sweet
whispered nothings; meanwhile Audio Pervert fries up
distorted synthesizers like that rst rush of pure MDMA fries
up brain cells.
- NH7
" Exit Plan by Teddy Boy Kill is an indie success and the band
has reaped the profits of a home grown sound, dark and steaming from New Delhi. T.B.K is
poised to become a break away success of Indian electronica.
" The music of Teddy Boy Kill is an onslaught, against all odds ... A sledgehammer performance for the audience with their trademark starkness in lyrics, hard analog style beats and deep square bass- lines.
The Exit Plan. Best Indie Album of the 2009 - NME. DOWNLXD http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y7z7e4o065bxuxo
" Teddy Boy Kill from India, grooves the audience with their distinct
order of techno songs. Performing live at the Sakifo music festival, the
band recently performed at the Indian Ocean Music Market and Earth-sync
- http://www.lequotidien.re/
order of techno songs. Performing live at the Sakifo music festival, the
band recently performed at the Indian Ocean Music Market and Earth-sync
- http://www.lequotidien.re/
" Exit Plan by Teddy Boy Kill is an indie success and the band
has reaped the profits of a home grown sound, dark and steaming from New Delhi. T.B.K is
poised to become a break away success of Indian electronica.
" The music of Teddy Boy Kill is an onslaught, against all odds ... A sledgehammer performance for the audience with their trademark starkness in lyrics, hard analog style beats and deep square bass- lines.
" They are not DJs, not Rockers. Audio Pervert and Toymob make a bang with Teddy Boy Kill ... the sound is rebellious and high velocity. New sound of New Delhi.
- BomberJacket
Storm festival : November2013.
BUSY PIMP - Tribute to the Savage Corporate Class.
The Exit Plan. Best Indie Album of the 2009 - NME. DOWNLXD http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y7z7e4o065bxuxo

Complete Works of TBK-2008-2017. AudioPervert + ToyMob is Teddy Boy Kill : WE ARE NOT SIGNED TO ANY AGENCY OR RECORD LABEL. Online published music, art & video of Teddy Boy Kill is not for any commercial use. We attribute to Creative Commons Type2 / Part of Libremedie Iceland AG. "Party Hard & Live Clean, and beware of snake-charmers posing as help"