The Story of Ty Ziegel & Renee Kline.

By Audio Pervert - 4/08/2012

This photo appeared on facebook somewhere early 2008. The picture was not taken down by Facebook until March 2012. The man in the uniform is Ty Ziegel and in the brides attire is Rene Kline. They were sweethearts when he went off to the invasion of Iraq, serving as an U.S. Marine. In 2004 a blast removed part of his skull, damaged part of his brain, left half of his left arm needing to be amputated, and blew off several of the fingers of his right hand. He can’t see from one of his eyes. He is practically deaf. After two years of surgeries and given recovery, Ty and Renee were married in October 2006. Initially (and predictably) this incident made headlines on the trash-tabloids, yet the image sparked off further online debates, the image going viral on social media and forums, replete with ridicule, repudiation and judgement. A year later Rene divorced Ty. She said "I just wish him the best and I hold the American government responsible for the condition suffered by Ty". Ty Ziegel received decorations from the state as "distinguished warfare medal". Earlier that year, ex-G.I. Bradley Manning (now Chelsea) and Wikileaks (Julian Assange) exposed a stock of war crimes and tortures committed by the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan - a heinous list of war-crimes approved by Barrack Obama. Julian Assange was jailed indefinitely in 2012 in England and Chelsea Manning was vilified by the mainstream media, high ranking generals and institutions such as Harvard University. A year later speaking at the annual emeritus convention of Princeton, then president of America, Barrack Obama declared "we did not come to fear the future, we came here to shape it". A wicked warmonger to be precise!

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