What Now? by FEMWAV

By Audio Pervert - 2/03/2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, plunging the global economy into a clear recession. The numbers and data arriving, can barely summaries the actual loss, anxiety, shortage of money and looming uncertainty. The current health crisis has global ramifications for the entire creative sector.  The culture, entertainment and music industry has been crushed, with millions of artists and professionals considerably weakened, and many bankrupt. Status of thousands and thousands of known and unknown musicians and artists subverted, struck down, facing one question, more than ever. What Now? Answers are many, and often the interesting ones appear from the voices far and few. One such gutsy but calm response is a new video by FEMWAV. Curated and edited by Ritu VK, a short video narrative titled 'What Next?'Asking female and non-binary artists from India, to speak about how they are innovating and finding ways to combat the crisis. "The diversity of backgrounds, experience and age, between these artists, enabled us to open up an array of subjects and issues, providing new insights, which speak of new possibilities and resilience" states the FEMWAV team. Despite the 2020 hiatus, as a small collective FEMWAV, continues to strive, building participation, content and create new models of empowerment - aimed at female and non-binary talent from India.

As seen with many local and independent artist collectives, 2020 did witness a clear surge, in streams of output and online participation with public and peers. The role of musicians, DJs and artist-managers has acquired a social and moral responsibility, which is being addressed mostly by female voices. Music, songs and dance online has facilitated many individuals to express themselves and maintain social ties in-spite of the crushing restrictions. We are told by the FEMWAV team, that 2021 is an "ideal time to launch new empowerment initiatives" more akin to combat the pandemic in a cultural context and create solidarity between female artists, not just in India, but reach out to female talent of the entire subcontinent (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal). So, what was the inspiration behind 'What Now?' "Courage and persistence, like 'two daughters of hope' are decisive in such times, to combat the gloomy days, weeks and months" The artist and her conviction is reflection of female strength, the ability to focus on the positive and evaluate future objectives..."  states the FEMWAV article .

To read more or to volunteer visit FEMWAV

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