En Directo !

By Audio Pervert - 6/02/2019

'En Directo' is a locally motivated DIY scene in the making. From Valencia - the sound and collective flow of energy is fun, is liberating is just for the sake techno! From the landscape of the erstwhile 'Ruta de Bacalao', dotted along Valencia's coastline, through the 1990s, was home to native electronic music, raves, clubs and talent. A new resurrection of the same spirit by a bunch of nerds (anonymous). "We go back to the synthesizers, drum machines, noise generators, circuits, the odd voice and guitar..". So does that impact the near dead-techno music scene of Valencia? Hard to say. However, As the locals often say 'Amunt' (up)!

Bon Dia ! València Electrònica - "En directe" es un moviment local en procés de creació. El moviment Valencians, anònim, presentarà una serie d'actuacions de música electrònica en dirècte que van desde la música techno, ambient, abstracta i mínimal. Segueix-nos!

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