Bone Ringing - Audio Pervert

Bone Ringing

By Audio Pervert - 9/09/2014

Jamblu's new EP titled Bone Ringing is a three song mini-odyssey loaded with macabre soundscapes and an undeniable, reticent, downward feeling. Cinematic in parts, atonal in places, the sound is forever drifting. Karthik Pillai, a.k.a Jamblu has a way with unearthly sounds from the nether world and melodies which creep out of a subconscious point of view. Even more challenging compared to his debut EP Depth Training. The first tune, City Of Heaven hovers as an after-thought with an embedded voice sample from the previous century. Mass Heat, fabricates a cavernous atmosphere crafted upon erie voices, oscillating vibrations  and long percussive drills. Clearly, space is a matter of taste for Jamblu. The final tune on Bone Ringing, titled Transcend brings contrasting musical desires to confront each other - Geared upon broken beats, articulated noise and dark refrains and some disturbed synthesizers, Jamblu is the ambassador of post-dystopia music. Lyrical without lyrics. Dense without overproduction. Devious with(out) intent ? Listen.

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