Enduser - Recent discovery. Late Response. Brilliant. Jungle. Ambience Maestro.Battery Head !Right Up There With Aphex & Squarepusher & µ-Ziq etc etc. T E K N O I S T : End User. HRDCR REMAINS HRDCR! DOWNLOAD HI+_REZ : ENDUSER # ALL DISC. http://soundsofshrapnel.tumblr.com/
A new experience that integrates ecology, music and autonomy for young artists and innovators from India. Invest in yourself, Invest in the future! Open Source Intelligence and Residency. SIGN UP!
Affiliated with the International Club of Rome, CACOR is autonomous, independent and nonpartisan, based in Canada. About the urgent sustainability of the global ecosystem and the survival of life on earth. Public can access presentations, policies, video conferences, interventions and weekly newsletters. JOIN - SIGN UP!
The current form of civilization is destroying the living planet. It has destroyed a majority of the ecosystems allover the world. We are a part and player of the catastrophe! 150 species go extinct every day, while you plan your next holiday or make new business plans. It's high time, to Stop! Think, Learn and Act! For Climate Justice and the future of the Living Planet. We are robbing and destroying the future of children and those unborn...
FEMWAV (FKA Fembot5) is an 'empowerment network' for female and non-binary talent from India. Artists, musicians, industry pros and academics, collectively creating safe and equal spaces for women and non-binary. For more information or to volunteer visit FEMWAV.COM
Hub is India’s first anthology of electronic music & the evolution of sub-cultures occurring in the last 30 years. A legitimate record of everything that’s past and currently happening in terms of music, artists and industry development. 1982 till 2010. Limited Edition Independent Book.
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