53°29′9.44″N 104°10′2.94″W ( Love ) - Audio Pervert

53°29′9.44″N 104°10′2.94″W ( Love )

By Audio Pervert - 4/03/2012

Love is a small village in the province of Saskatchewan, northeast of Prince Albert.

Last census records reveal a population of 108, up by 4 new people since 2007.
The town from satellite images seems so plain and quaint, Just as any outback of the vast and desolate Canadian countryside. The village does not have a church and has one japanese family as
exception to the rest of the native Canadian families.

The Love Village council and the post office run the official website of this town.
http://www.villageoflove.ca/index.html - as the residents say " Love is a picturesque village at the edge of the Narrow Hills, close to ammenities yet far enough to get away from the rat race and find how peaceful nature can be "

I find the existence of such a place in comparison to my side of the world, a total fantasy !
A fairly land where you literally are in 'Love' even if you were not to fall in ' Love ' ?

Wikipedia says - " The village has received some international recognition due to its unique postmark consisting of a teddy bear holding a heart. People from many parts of the world have sent bundles of wedding invitations to the Love post office to be stamped with the romantically oriented post mark and then forwarded to their final destinations "

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