By Audio Pervert - 1/10/2014

JAMBLU is Kartik Pillai. A quiet and composed dude, producer and guitarist who is usually seen onstage with Peter Cat Recording Co. His album JAMBLU, is a bold and extensive fruition of his musical age. In an age of VST Crunching Soldiers and SideChaining Troopers, electronic music and sound has almost gone pete tong ! JAMBLU challenges that very condition .. Composed within dark melodic overtures, shattered beats, subdued voices, buried chords and distorted tones which speak of desultory feelings, JAMBLU is near audacious and totally stereoscopic. Call it Electronic Post Dance or Experimental Song Adventures or Sounds of Dystopia, the album is overcast with an immersed sound and compositions that evolve over time & totally deviated from the 'lyrical song'. JAMBLU is clearly set on a journey which is exploring the 'far side of left-field music'. 

LISTEN - https://jamblu.bandcamp.com/

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